Nuestro Portafolio

Innovación Pionera en Diversos Sectores

Hemos tenido la fortuna de participar en proyectos en una diversa gama de sectores como salud, bienes raíces, Industria 4.0, automocion, marketing y ventas, educación, identidad digital, etc. Nuestra experiencia radica en aprovechar tecnologías de vanguardia como Realidad Extendida (XR), Realidad Virtual (VR), Realidad Aumentada (AR), Realidad Mixta (MR), Gemelos Digitales, el Metaverso, Inteligencia Artificial (AI) y Blockchain.

With our innovative approach, we’re not just delivering solutions – we’re crafting digital experiences that drive transformation, foster efficiency, and cultivate growth.

Digital Twin 3DGS

He estado trasteando con 3DGS y verlo de manera inmersiva es EXPECTACULAR!! Esto sin duda complementa y mucho los #GemelosDigitales. Imagina simplemente generar un video…

Castillo Cullera in VR

Harnessing the power of point cloud data, we are capable of creating marvels such as the hyper-realistic digitization of Cullera Castle. Imagine stepping…

Residential FG

We’ve built a transformative 3D home visualization tool for a leading-edge real estate agency. This tool capitalizes on the power of Virtual Reality,…

Multiuser Real Estate

Introducing a breakthrough metaverse experience designed to explore properties through Virtual Reality. Our cutting-edge system facilitates a multiplayer experience, making it possible for…

Real Estate VR

We’ve developed an interactive, immersive property exploration tool using Virtual Reality (VR). Our platform revolutionizes property search, allowing users to virtually explore properties…

Real Estate + Live Streaming

Showcase of a straightforward virtual reality infrastructural design coupled with real-time streaming, allowing the customer to experience a guided tour of the residence…